Planning your own event, or taking part in someone else’s, with friends, workmates, or your organisation, or simply by taking on your own challenge to help – whichever you choose you’ll make a difference.
Fundraise for us!
Whether you’re a person who’s benefited from counselling services, or you are part of a group or organisation that’s looking for a local cause with a big impact, your support is so important.
Whichever you choose you’ll make a difference.
Challenge yourself in aid of YWCS – walk that walk, run that run or whatever floats your boat! Runners, walkers, cyclists, swimmers, you can do it on your own, do it remotely, or join in a bigger event like the Run for All, August 2025, the Yorkshire Marathon or its 10 mile alternative, Great North Run etc
Plan your own event, with friends or workmates. Why not hold a coffee morning, bake sale, or maybe a gaming challenge, or simply host a get together. You’ll find lots of other great ideas here.
Celebration Giving: Got a big birthday coming up, or an anniversary, why not choose YWCS as the beneficiary for your friends gifts.
There are so many things that you can do to reach your target.
You can set up your page on Just Giving linked to YWCS and spread the word amongst family and friends. We’ll give you all the support that we can and you can be sure that every penny raised will support women who desperately need help.
How your support helps
£100 will provide 8 weeks of support to a woman who needs our help
£240 supports a volunteer counsellor for a year, with each counselling an average of 5 women annually.
£500 will provide over 40 hours of professional counselling to a woman in distress
£1000 will secure a confidential counselling room for 4 months, enabling our counsellors to hold up to 640 counselling sessions
Book a speaker
If you’re part of a group who’d like to hear more, we’d be happy to come and talk with you about the difference that our unique service makes to women in York and surrounding areas and to discuss the best way for you to help through a special event or activity. Get in touch with us enquiries@yorkwomenscounselling.org
Working in partnership with us, your business can support women in York. Here are just some of the ways that you can work with us:
Make us your Charity of the Year.
Many companies and their employees work together to raise funds for their ‘Charity of the Year’, making a big impact on the charity’s ability to deliver its work. The benefit of your fundraising can last for years to come, supporting women into the future. If you choose YWCS as your Charity of the Year, we will be on hand to advise how your staff can get involved in fundraising activities, volunteering time and skills, events, challenges and more. A Charity of the Year partnership is a great way to provide staff engagement opportunities to aid personal development and boost morale. Get in touch with us at enquiries@yorkwomenscounselling.org to find out how we can work together.
Your staff and customers can unite behind a worthwhile cause, right here in York.
Pro bono support and Gifts in Kind.
Do you have professional skills and resources to offer? From offering free legal advice to having a specialist employee volunteering to support the delivery of transformational projects, your business's skills and expertise can help change the lives of women in York
You can help too with generous donations of gifts in kind, from IT equipment and office supplies to 'money-can't-buy' auction prizes and prizes for our raffles..
By supporting us through pro bono work or gifts in kind, you're helping us keep our running costs low, our efficiency high and ensure more funds go directly to helping women.
Cause-related marketing
Being a Corporate partner will generate valuable income through cause related marketing campaigns. You could consider donating a percentage of income on a specific product(s) to help support our work. Or you could ask your customers to add a donation to their bill for a specified period of time.
Make a donation
Gifts from your business to YWCS may be tax deductible and you can find out more here. YWCS would be pleased also to talk to you about sponsorship opportunities.
Whatever way you choose to help, you’ll be showing that you care about your community.
Get in touch with Ruth to find out more at ruth@yorkwomenscounselling.org
“I loved organising a fun run, with friends, for York Women’s Counselling. We ran on World Mental Health Day which seemed appropriate. 20 women ran 20 miles to help other women. That’s girl power at its best! We had such a great time - and also raised money for a brilliant cause. Many of us have experienced mental health issues and know how hard it can be to find good quality, affordable help.”
Elizabeth, volunteer fundraiser
“I'm a photographer with a flexible job and so I'm happy to volunteer on an ad-hoc basis, when there's an event or when the charity needs good quality photos taking. The last couple of years have been tough for many people, and it's nice to give back to an organisation that's been dealing with the enormous mental health impact of the pandemic”
Jonny, volunteer.