Grounding activities.
Grounding activities are generally short exercises which include our different senses, the aim is to make us feel more connected to our bodies and the ground beneath us.
This stops us being so much ‘in our heads’ and getting caught up in a web of worries or anxieties.
Below are some examples;
- Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.
- I can see…, I can hear…, I can smell…, I can feel…, I can taste…
- Stamp feet 5 times, clap hands 5 times, bang table 5 times.
- Touching the tips of each finger (both hands at the same time), to your thumb.
- Pick up a nearby object and describe it (texture, colour, weight, uses, etc.)
- Who is in my family? Start with immediate and work outwards.
- Audible books and mindfulness colouring in can also support grounding as they both focus on stimulating the senses.
- Sorting objects into groups i.e. colour, uses, size etc.
- Feeling your heart or finding your heartbeat – on yourself or someone else.
- ABC senses, around the room – I see an apple, I hear a bee etc.
- Touching something cold (ice) and then something warm (hot water bottle).
Just like no one technique works for all people, we often find that not all techniques work at all times. In working through the grounding exercises suggested here, you might find one or two that work for you. Keep in mind to only to use the exercises that you feel comfortable with.