“Before, I was surviving, not living…”

By Gill"*, counselling client

By Gill"*, counselling client

"Counselling is not for me". That was the reply I gave to a friend who suggested that I needed help.

I had no intention of discussing my problem (estrangement from two of my three children) with a complete stranger. I felt very uneasy and uncomfortable about it despite knowing I was in a bad place mentally.

However on-line that evening I noticed a counselling service which immediately appealed to me because it was run specifically by women for women. Still apprehensive, I started my first session and after 15 minutes I knew I had found the most fantastic person who listened and never criticized or judged me. Most importantly, she believed in me.

Before, I felt I was in deep, dark water with no way out. Now I was being thrown a life belt and was slowly being pulled towards dry land. Over a series of sessions I learned how to cope with any negativity and concentrate on loving myself for who I am as an individual.

Being shown how to let go of the traumas of the past, and thereby making room for my own happiness, was very liberating. I am now firmly out of the water.

Before, I was surviving, not living. Now I am living and the road of negativity is firmly closed. The road of positivity is where you will find me now.

*name has been changed


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