A letter to myself…
By Kelly
Ex-client Kelly is completing 40 challenges before her 40th birthday later this year. Challenge 8: to write a letter to her 13 year old self…
Thinking back to when I was a painfully shy 13 year old kid was quite a difficult yet cathartic experience. I did this with my little sister Niamhy.
I wrote down advice I would tell myself, and learnings I would go through as well as reassurance that things will be okay. I told myself that the hard times will pass and opinions are not facts. I also warned myself that I will regret the plucked eyebrows and that blue mascara and perms will fade out! Plus, that I will go on to like olives and red wine.
At 13 I moved cities and schools. I found it hard and so I took comfort in falling into the shadows and relied on my siblings to speak to me. I’m thankful that my oldest friend took me under her wing, and continues to do so to this day! I’m also grateful to the people I met and went on to meet.
I wrote down reminders to cherish people and friendships and the sadness that comes when they are gone leaves a big gap in my life. Grandparents shaped who I am and Rachael provided the biggest laughs in my life.
The biggest affirmation I put in my letter was:
“You are worthy and you are enough. You will find your voice. You will meet the love of your life and life WILL be great”.
What words of comfort or advice would you give your 13 year old self?
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