World Mental Health Day 2022


By Charlotte Walton

Operations Manager and Counsellor


It’s World Mental Health Day 2022 and an opportunity to reflect upon our year so far here at York Women’s Counselling Service. 

It’s fair to say, it’s been a challenging one. 

I recall us saying this in 2020, and again in 2021 – but 2022 really has tested us. 

As a small charity with limited financial reserves, we were incredibly thankful to have survived the pandemic. It took its toll on us in many ways. 

Financially, like many charities, we watched our income reduce while our costs remained the same which was very worrying. 

Thanks to two emergency COVID grants from the Lottery and Two Ridings Foundation, that particular storm passed, however, the pandemic took its toll in other ways too; our counsellors were supporting vulnerable women in the most difficult circumstances - hearing about worsening domestic abuse situations, crippling anxiety, debilitating depression, fears about loved ones, isolation and bereavement. 

Whilst we therapists continued our work, many of us were dealing with our own fears about COVID including our own health and the effects on our families. Some counsellors had to take time away from the work due to stress, burnout and vicarious trauma whilst others had to reduce their case-load due to home-schooling or other caring responsibilities.  My own experience was typical of many of the counsellors – juggling childcare, my own studies, worry about elderly parents and a self-employed partner who was worried about income and providing for the family.  Whilst I never considered stepping away from my counselling role, I will never forget how my clients struggled with breakdowns, isolation, fear for loved ones – and the effect that had on me. 

It was a difficult balance – supporting others while looking after ourselves during such unprecedented and stressful times.

Today, with counsellor numbers reduced and demand sky-high (and only getting worse with the pressures of cost of living increases) we find ourselves in a difficult situation. Last Monday we were delighted to reopen our waiting list after 23 weeks of closure. Finally, we could respond positively to the many women who phoned or emailed us, daily, asking for help. We congratulated each other and there were huge smiles across the team as we welcomed referrals again after such a long time. 

However, by Wednesday evening, we’d closed the waiting list again. 

In just three days we were so inundated with referrals that we had to make the difficult decision to close our waiting list. 

It was heartbreaking.

Some women had not seen our announcement that the waiting list had reopened, and missed their opportunity to refer themselves. On Thursday a woman emailed to ask about the waiting list status. When I advised her that it was closed, she simply replied ‘so now what?’. 

And so, this World Mental Health Day is a day of mixed emotions for me, and probably the whole team here at York Women’s Counselling Service. 

We can proudly talk about how many women we are able to help, the hours of counselling that they receive and the difference we make. And all of that is true – we do life-changing, and often life-saving, work with some of the city’s most vulnerable women. 

But there is so, so much more to do and it genuinely hurts to turn women away, as we are forced to do again now. 

As one of the only organisations providing long-term, low cost counselling in the region, we worry about where these women are able to get the level of the support that they need. 

And so, we are determined to fundraise further so that we can develop our services. With more money comes more resources and more women will be helped. This year we’ve had support from funders, generous individual donors and our own events, and some incredible individuals have raised money for us through challenge events. We are so grateful to them all. 

And we continue to look after each other and share in WMHD ambition to make mental health a global priority

Having a team of like-minded, dedicated, compassionate women who support each other is vital for our own mental health and allows us to keep doing what we do. 

We’ve brought some new skilled, passionate Trustees onto our Board this year, and we are welcoming seven new therapists this autumn and we look forward to seeing the difference they will make as we tackle the challenges ahead. 

Our vision here at York Women’s is to never have to turn a woman away. It’s an ambitious vision, but it keeps us going when the going gets tough, and we truly believe that one day we’ll get there. 

If you would like to help you can either make a donation here, or email to start a conversation. 

Thank you.


Farewell from Polly


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