Anniversary Quiz – what a night!

Heartfelt thanks to the people who turned out to support our Anniversary Quiz night on 12 March this year.  It was great to share the evening with 70 quizzers and thanks to your generosity and the support of the wonderful team at The Basement, City Screen, over £700 was raised for YWCS.

From the photos below you’ll see that there was a real buzz in the room as people grappled with questions on the Year 2000 (when YWCS was founded), Women in Sport, and a wicked pub crawl round. The Newshound round challenged teams research skills with the Sunday papers. A highlight of the evening was a spontaneous singalong to “I will survive”!

Our thanks to the many York businesses who donated raffle prizes and our counselling team members who made everything run so smoothly. This is definitely an evening that we will repeat, so watch this space.

Clearly we are all hoping that the terrible times we are now living through will pass as safely and quickly as possible.  When they do, and we can again enjoy each other’s company, if you’d like to support YWCS by holding your own event in our 20th Anniversary year, or take on a personal challenge, you can read find out more here and get in touch. 

Women in crisis continue to need our support, perhaps more than ever given these unprecedented times.   Thank you. 


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