Give women the space to speak

These are difficult times.  Women experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties are under still more pressure.  The consequences of Coronavirus will push many more into crisis.

Since 2000 York Women’s Counselling Service has provided vital support to local women who are struggling to find help.  Women like Jane (not her real name) ……

“Before my counselling I was struggling, I felt on edge but didn’t know why.  At the start of my sessions I felt an enormous sense of relief that I now had somewhere to go. I tried to get help from GP but that had left me feeling more hopeless as he wasn’t able to help. 

Having counselling has made me feel more grounded, less overwhelmed. I don’t feel as despairing as I used to. It’s given me a sense of feeling there’s light at the end of the tunnel. My situation is hard at the moment by it won’t always be. I’m more in control. It has literally been a lifeline for me.”

Never has our work been more important.  Sadly right now Covid 19 has meant a shift from a face to face service to a virtual one.  Many women don’t have a safe space to talk at home and help seems so much further away.   When this is over, women should find help when they ask for it. Funding our service at the best of times is difficult and YWCS cannot meet the current needs.  Our charity income is down by 50%.

With your support, YWCS can increase the number of counselling sessions available when the lock down is over.  The demand for counselling services will skyrocket when women are safe to talk. 

Your help now will mean that more women will be able to access the vital counselling that they need to turn their lives around when the lockdown ends. 

Thank you for making a difference to vulnerable women in York by giving space to speak.  You can make your gift here .

Thank you.


Autism Inclusivity at YWCS


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