International Women’s Day 2021

By Liza Miller, Trustee

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As a new trustee with York Women’s Counselling Service I welcome this year’s theme for International Women’s Day - Choose to Challenge! Women of the world bring so much strength, resilience and resourcefulness to our world but too many suffer from the impact of poverty, abuse and inequality. Here at YWCS we hope we make a difference, in our small way, to improving the lives of women experiencing difficulties as a result of current or past emotional stress of trauma by offering a high-quality counselling service - and to do so when and for as long as they need it and regardless of their ability to pay.  This recent comment from a client really sums up the value of our work:

 “Thank you for changing my life for the better this year and making me feel that I matter, that my stories and suffering matter and that there is no shame in being me. You have gone above and beyond your 'duty' towards me and it has not gone unnoticed. I know I will be a better person, partner, mother and daughter for it and that in time, more and more at peace”. 

 Though YWCS is not a campaigning organisation, our very existence is aimed at challenging the difficulties women can face in accessing support through counselling when they need it. It’s our vision to make sure that no woman in York is ever turned away. To read more about our ethos and the way we work see

 Liza Miller, Trustee

 #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021


Women & Science


Challenge 20/20/20 for York Women’s Counselling.