Meet the Therapist - Tricia

Psychosynthesis Therapist

Hello, I am a volunteer at York Women’s Counselling Service.

My name is Tricia, I was born and raised on the other side! – Lancashire, in a place of wild, hilly terrain. I left home at age 20, and moved to London where I lived and worked for many years. I am now based in the beautiful medieval city of York, where the sky is wide and the landscape expands for miles...

My career path was initially in industry, I moved into teaching and then trained in careers advice and guidance. I worked with young people and their families in culturally rich and diverse urban communities in South West London. I have always had a passion for personal development which I have explored over the years. And for a long time, I wanted to offer my clients ‘something else!’ This led me to train in Psychosynthesis therapy.

My areas of interest are working to assist others to find meaning and direction in times of personal crisis. 

What is Psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis is a psychotherapy anchored in psychodynamics -a system which assists people in understanding the thoughts, feelings and conflicts that contribute to their behaviours. 

I work safely and gently at the client’s pace to understand the unconscious motivations that sometimes influence how we think, feel and act. These are often built from influences of the family system and the wider collective. Psychosynthesis helps to map and navigate that, bringing self-awareness to aspects of our being, so we can find our potential and live more authentically.

Psychosynthesis is an integrative system and named as a transpersonal psychology. This means that we will work with a broad array of ideas including (but not limited to): attachment, gestalt and guided meditation. I work relationally and creatively occasionally with imagery, objects and metaphor to explore what is relevant to you from your biography, guiding your aspirations in finding unity with Self. 

Psychosynthesis, for example, could assist a person stuck in a ‘mind head space’ from study or work life, to explore and learn to be receptive to aspects of their emotional life that they might presently feel cut off from. You as a client may yearn to make sense of patterns created from past core wounding, or maybe you just need to be in a space where you feel cared for and heard -Psychosynthesis could facilitate this. With gentle steps, in time you may become more curious to explore the other parts of yourself. You can begin to find awareness of your natural hidden ability to cope and manage your life, mental health and emotional well-being more effectively. Moving on to interact with renewed enthusiasm in both relationships and with other responsibilities. 

This process facilitates a self-acceptance, which will empower the new choices that will allow you to reinvent and direct your life wherever you may wish to journey to.


International Women’s Day 2022


Meet the Therapist - Chloe